Session I: Can Artificial Intelligence Play a Role in Systems Change?
Kate Sutton
Head of the UNDP Regional Innovation Center for Asia Pacific
Class Introduction
In this course participants will be given a real life case of a city in Vietnam who are trying to achieve SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production through moving their waste management approach from a system that deals with waste as an end product to a circular system. Participants will be introduced to systems change practice and then they will get to brainstorm and think about how AI could be leveraged as part of a systems approach.
Session II: Supporting Sustainable Agriculture with AI Technologies
Dr. KANG Mengzhen
Associate Professor at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science
Class Introduction
This course introduces the progress of research and application of artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture, as well as the challenges and future opportunities.
Quiz Time
Disclaimer: U&AI | AI for SDGs Youth Bootcamp (U&AI Camp)advocates for openness, inclusiveness, and respect for different voices and opinions. Master classes represent personal views only and the copyright of classes belong to the lecturers. U&AI Camp does not endorse any person, company or related products, services or activities.