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Week One

Session I: Responsible AI And Sustainable Development 

Session II: Introduction To Sustainable Development

Session III: AI And Sustainable Development: Opportunities & Challenges

 Week Two

Session I: The Prospect of Artificial Intelligence Regarding SDGs

Session II: AI Governance as Responsible and Sustainable Innovation for and by Gen Z-ers

Session III: Responsible AI: Deep Coordination On Sustainable Development And Governance

​Session IV: How AI Transforms Healthcare, Medicine And the Pharmaceutical Industry

 Week Three

Session I: Challenges of Recommendation Algorithms: from Fairness to Autonomy

Session II: How Multimodal AI Empowers People

​Session III: How AI Changes Traditional Industries

Week Four

Session I: Ethical Opportunities and Challenges of AI


Session II: AI Commercialization and Application: How AI Helps People in Need

Session III:

1. Development-oriented Principle of Ethics in AI&Human-centric AI: AI Helps vulnerable groups


 2. Human-centric AI: AI Helps Vulnerable Groups

Week Five

Session I: AI For SDG: Pathways For Making This A Reality, With A Focus On Climate Change

Session II: Sustainable Design And Creative Thinking


Session III: AI History And How It Helps With Low-carbon Transition

Week Six

Session I : AI Entrepreneurs Advancing The SDGs

Session II: Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coordinated Learning Simbiosis from a Healthcare Perspective

Session III: Application - The Ultimate Mission of Technology

Week Seven

Session I: AI Empowered Industrial Safety and Inspection

Session II: Embracing Diversity to Fuel Innovation


Session III: Towards Human-centered Intelligent Manufacturing

Week Eight

Session I: AI for ESG: Make “Responsibility” Manageable, Measurable, Traceable, and Profitable


Session II: Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Systematic Thinking and Commercialization

Week Nine

Session: Gender Equality and AI Management


Week Ten

Session I: Can Artificial Intelligence Play a Role in Systems Change?

Session II: Supporting Sustainable Agriculture with AI Technologies

 Week Eleven

Session I: How AI Engineers from 100 Countries are Collaboratively Building Ethical and Efficient AI

​Session II: Blockchain Applications In Carbon Neutrality 

 Week Twelve

Session : AI to Deliver Fair and Good Education for All

Week Thirteen

Session : Digital Transformation in Public Services


Week Fourteen

Session I: How China Leverages AI Capabilities in Healthcare


Week Fifteen

Session I: AI and Media: How to Better Present Your Ideas with New Tech?


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